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 Adam Vickers

Adam is an jewelry collector and dealer with a passion for collecting Schreiner.

All Matched Series & Various Styles

Schreiner round domed pin large round cab center 10 surrounding small chaton 7 large chaton large faceted topaz round chaton center crystal faceted surrounding chaton large topaz chaton silvertone jewelrySchreiner round domed pin large round cab center 12 surrounding small chaton 7 large chaton large blue cab center green small chaton blue large chaton silvertone jewelrySchreiner end of day with large moon rock randome arranged mix of large oval cab large round cab navette chaton large jade moon rock navy large oval cab navy large round cab marbled jade large navette faux pearl crystal small chaton goldtone jewelry
Schreiner 2 level 8 scrollwork radial pin large round chaton center 8 surrounding navette bottom 8 large oval stone 8 large round cab bicolor ruby green chaton center pink small chaton celery green large faceted oval stone brown metalic navette green navette goldtone jewelry