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style ID: 
J830OP    copy     media courtesy of:  Deborah Kolt
identification:  • book piece(s) in "Schreiner - Master of 20th-Century Costume Jewelry" by Carole Tanenbaum and Eve Townsend, page 238.
• Signed piece(s) with the same structure: J830OP-001
structure:  2 acorn large pin
design elements:  turquoise navette, large navy faceted teardrop, navy faceted teardrop, navy navette, ice blue large faceted oval stone, navy small inverted, apple green small jelly bean, apple green chaton, goldtone

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Style *J830OP
(scroll down to see related pieces and different styles in this series.)
Schreiner 2 acorn large pin turquoise navette large navy faceted teardrop navy faceted teardrop navy navette ice blue large faceted oval stone navy small inverted apple green small jelly bean apple green chaton goldtone jewelry
Schreiner 2 acorn large pin turquoise navette large navy faceted teardrop navy faceted teardrop navy navette ice blue large faceted oval stone navy small inverted apple green small jelly bean apple green chaton goldtone jewelry
Schreiner 2 acorn large pin turquoise navette large navy faceted teardrop navy faceted teardrop navy navette ice blue large faceted oval stone navy small inverted apple green small jelly bean apple green chaton goldtone jewelry
Schreiner 2 acorn large pin turquoise navette large navy faceted teardrop navy faceted teardrop navy navette ice blue large faceted oval stone navy small inverted apple green small jelly bean apple green chaton goldtone jewelry